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The International Framework For Nuclear Energy Cooperation

Global Ministerial Conference

Washington DC, United States - November 13, 2019 - November 14, 2019

On 13 and 14 November IFNEC held its Global Ministerial Conference "Bringing the World SMRs and Advanced Nuclear" which gathered high level presentations from our member countries, industry and international organizations. The conference had Suzie Jaworowski as Mistress of Ceremonies, who after each session took the chance to reflect on each presentation highlighting their most salient remarks.  

On 14 November, the sessions were held at the White House. After IFNEC's Steering Group Chair Gadano’s warm opening remarks, US Secretary of Energy Rick Perry addressed the participants with enthusiastic words regarding the possibilities the nuclear sector has and will have in the near future.


Departing Steering Group Chair, Julián Gadano, "passing the torch" to the newly elected Chair, Suzie Jaworowski. 

Chairmanship transfer



Session 1: Approaches to SMR Technology Development

Keung Koo KIM - Korea

Vladimir ARTISUIK - Russian Federation

Diane CAMERON - Canada

Richard DEAKIN - UK

Session 2: Forward Thinking Financing Options

Rebecca PYNT - UK

Session 3: Individual Remarks by Key Regulatory Experts

Marcelo SALVATORE - Argentina

Andrey SHKARBANOV - Russian Federation

Session 4: Innovation and Clean Energy Systems


Zbigniew KUBACKI - Poland 


 Watch the sessions at the White House: 


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