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The International Framework For Nuclear Energy Cooperation

Jordan 2010

Dead Sea, Jordan - November 4, 2010

Joint Statement

The Executive Committee of the newly transformed Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP), now renamed as International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (“IFNEC”), held its first meeting at the King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center in the Dead Sea Area in Jordan on November 4, 2010. Ministers and senior representatives from 44 countries addressed key issues facing the expanded use of peaceful nuclear energy through a review of the progress of the IFNEC Steering Group and two expert-based Working Groups since the GNEP Executive Committee meeting in Beijing in October 2009.  The Executive Committee also agreed on specific areas on which to focus during the next year.

The Executive Committee welcomed two countries, Kuwait and Germany, to IFNEC as full Participants, expanding its composition to 27 Participant countries, 32 Observer countries and three Observer inter-governmental organizations.

During the meeting, the Executive Committee received status reports from the Chairs of the IFNEC Steering Group and the Infrastructure Development and Reliable Nuclear Fuel Services Working Groups. The working groups have made significant progress in the past year and have expanded their engagement with industry, universities and other external entities while continuing to coordinate closely with the IAEA.


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