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The International Framework For Nuclear Energy Cooperation

United Arab Emirates 2013

Abu Dhabi, UAE - October 24, 2013

Joint Statement 

The Executive Committee of the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) held its annual meeting on October 24th, 2013 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Ministers and other senior representative from 30 countries and International Organizations addressed issues relevant to IFNEC a cooperative forum to explore mutually beneficial approaches to deploying civil nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in a manner that is efficient and meets the highest standards of safety, security and non-proliferation. Sincere appreciation was expressed to the UAE for graciously hosting and chairing this year’s Executive Committee Meeting.

The Executive Committee affirmed the value of IFNEC to each of its Participant and Observer countries as they develop and deploy nuclear energy sources that are safe, secure, and environmentally friendly and have a high level of proliferation resistance. A number of these countries are seeking to deploy nuclear electricity generation for the first time and face significant challenges including obtaining adequate financing, developing sufficient human capital resources, determining acceptable back-end fuel management pathways, and developing a robust, independent regulator. IFNEC is committed to providing a platform to discuss these challenges and assisting countries in developing solutions that are specific to their needs.

The Steering Group Chair and the co-chairs of the Reliable Nuclear Fuel Services Working Group and the Infrastructure Development Working Group presented Annual Activity Reports to the Executive Committee representing a broad array of beneficial activities. The Executive Committee commends the Steering Group and expert working groups for their excellent work and expresses its particular appreciation for its recent accomplishments.

Looking forward to the next year, the Executive Committee also affirmed the following:

  • The Infrastructure Development Working Group will endeavor to hold a Resources and Gaps Workshop focused on opportunities and challenges associated with the development of nuclear energy in Africa, where key issues such as human resource development, siting, regulatory issues and licensing will be addressed.  This workshop shall be done in a manner that complements work done by the IAEA and other international organizations.  This Workshop should be held in 2014.  The results of the workshop will be reported by the IDWG Co-Chairs at the 2014 Executive Committee Meeting.
  • Romania will host an IFNEC Steering Group meeting and will also host a meeting of the Reliable Nuclear Fuel Services Working Group in 2014.
  • The Kingdom of Jordan has graciously offered to host an IFNEC Small Modular Reactor Workshop in Jordan in 2014.  The IFNEC Executive Committee supports this workshop and directs the IFNEC Steering Group Chair to work with Jordan to hold this workshop. It should emphasize the inclusion of the various key stakeholders involved in the development and deployment of Small Modular Reactors, taking into account of the related fuel cycle, including vendors, utilities, energy planning authorities, regulators and the financial community.
  • The 2014 IFNEC Executive Committee meeting will be hosted and chaired by the Republic of Korea.




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