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The International Framework For Nuclear Energy Cooperation

Romania 2015

Sinaia, Romania - October 3, 2015

Join Statement

The Executive Committee of the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) held its annual Executive Committee meeting on October 23rd, 2015, in Sinaia, Romania. Representatives from the 65 Participant and Observer countries as well as senior representatives from the four Permanent International Observer Organizations of IFNEC expressed their deep appreciation to the Government of Romania for graciously and effectively chairing the 2015 Executive Committee Meeting as well as for hosting the Steering Group and Reliable Nuclear Fuel Services Working Group meetings in Sinaia earlier in the week. During the Executive Committee Meeting, Sierra Leone was welcomed as the newest Participant Country and the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) was recognized in its new and key role as the Technical Secretariat for IFNEC.


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